Mars Hill Acts 17 Is

Mars Hill Acts 17 IS the Christian community working together to reach teens and grow His church.  Let us all rejoice and share in the joy of any young lives that bear fruit or come to Christ!  Let us set an example for the youth that, because we have a common Savior, we CAN work together in His power and love and for His purpose!

Mars Hill Acts 17 Is Not

Mars Hill Acts 17 is NOT a church, nor a replacement for a church, nor a substitute for a church youth group.   Mars Hill Acts 17 is intended to support and compliment church youth groups and provide them an additional outreach tool.

Mars Hill Acts 17 is NOT “Christian entertainment” for youth.  It is a tool to reach young people for Christ, challenge them to grow spiritually, and encourage them to bring their unsaved friends to Him.

Mars Hill Acts 17 does NOT “belong” to any particular local church congregation.  It belongs to Him.

Mars Hill Acts 17 format is NOT fixed.  Mars Hill Acts 17 event structure will be flexible and attentive to adapt to the needs of the youth and youth leaders, based on their feedback.

Mars Hill Acts 17 is NOT a means to promote one church congregation over another.  At each event a common information table will be available for churches  to communicate special events and other  church information in an unbiased manner.   If a church youth group invites unchurched youth, then that church receives the resulting contacts for follow-up.