Distributing the Load – A Volunteer, Christian Community Effort!

Each Mars Hill Acts 17 event requires a number of volunteers to fulfill  the key responsibilities listed  below.   Ideally the responsibilities of a single Mars Hill Acts 17 will be shared among volunteers representing different churches or Christian organizations.

Volunteers who may be in contact with youth undergo a background check and are identified by wearing a “Mars Hill Acts 17” badges.

Key roles for Mars Hill Acts17 Events (click link for full description):

1)   Registration

2)   Crowd Control

3)   Food Service

4)   Group Game/Activity

5)   Guest Speaking

6)   Prayer Time

7)   Photography & Video

8)   Setup

9)   Teardown

10) Publicity

General Information for All Volunteers

Please review these duties and prayerfully consider volunteering for one of our events.

Email us using hello@marshillacts17.org