"I had such an amazing time at Mars Hill tonight! It was such a blessing to be able to serve and worship God.” Anonymous Youth
“I'm so blessed to be able to pray for this event...thank you for your faithfulness in bringing the Gospel to so many in such a fun and awesome way!” Anonymous Parent
“I really enjoyed my first time at Mars Hill!” Anonymous Youth
“It was awesome! It was my first Mars Hill event but most definitely not the last. God is using you to empower our teens. It's such a great thing to have youth brought together on a united front and to teach them that Jesus is the commonplace that we should all be able to meet at without any barriers. I loved the way Stephen interacted with the kids and made them a part of the event and not just making them spectators at the event. You guys are awesome. I know that God has a hedge of protection over you because you are a powerful impact in the community… The favor of God is the greatest accessory and Mars Hill looks good wearing it! Anonymous Youth Leader
"Finally got a chance to visit Mars Hill after years of sending my kids... I left with my soul fed. " Anonymous Parent
“Mars Hill was super awesome… Thanks, we wish we could have Mars Hill every month." Anonymous Youth
“It was awesome! I love seeing all parts of the body of Christ used.” Anonymous Parent
“Wow!!... What an amazing, spirit filled Saturday Mars Hill evening… Our students shared their experiences on the road back and even in our Sunday School session this morning. I just loved to hear the students... We want to be back… Even our new student was moved...” Anonymous Youth Leader
"Just had an awesome time at Mars Hill… It was truly one of the best times I’ve had." Anonymous Youth
“Great time at Mars Hill tonight. Met some awesome people tonight, heard some awesome testimonies, and most importantly worshiped God." Anonymous Youth
“…my husband was brought to tears. He was so inspired he really wanted to know more about the Bible… It was so inspiring to him to see all those kids… I really appreciate it and I just wanted you to know Mars Hill not only affects children but also the adults...” Anonymous Mother and Wife