"It was incredibly fun. First they had a band play. Then we did some games and had pizza. There were some skits. Then a guy gave a really good half hour lesson on challenging us to really get into His word and really start to get much closer to Him, and got quite a few of us to pray. Then another band played." Anonymous Youth
“Thanks for doing this ministry... I’m praying for you and the ministry even as I type this.” Anonymous Parent
“She and her friends had a blast!! I hear nothing but good things regarding Mars Hill!! Thanks for allowing her and her friends reflect their love for Christ through Drama and Dance. They are so excited!! Thanks again!! God Bless!!” Anonymous Parent
“Thanks! It was amazing! I can't wait for the next one. I hope I can come!” Anonymous Youth
“My daughter… had a fantastic time and cannot wait to come again. Thank you so much for putting on this nice event for our teenagers!!!!” Anonymous Parent
“Hey! I had so much fun at the last Mars Hill! Thank you so much!!” Anonymous Youth
“It was amazing!!... Very organized, excellent entertainment, fabulous format, good solid message, no compromising of the Word… Thank you for all you do. I thought the message was very good. I liked that you told them that we don't just say a prayer and move on. We have to really believe and mean it. We will definitely come again.” Anonymous Parent
“I was at your meeting last night. Loved it. It was my first time.” Anonymous Youth
“Thanks for letting me come and help. It is so fun to be around people who are getting it done in the community...” Anonymous Youth Leader
“God bless you!... Posted your calendar on our website. We praise God for all He is doing thru your ministry. Pastor… also came to the event.
We are all rejoicing to see what God is doing through Mars Hill!...” Anonymous Parent
“Thank you so much… such a miraculous avenue. I have never seen anything like it…” Anonymous Parent
“[He] had a great time and can't stop talking about it... we are going to try and encourage more youth to attend this month.” Anonymous Parent